Tyranozilla 2

## Controls ##

A/D - Move

Space (repeated) - Fly

Left Mouse - Roar

Right Mouse - Pickup

Left Mouse (Held Item) - Use

Right Mouse (Held Item) - Throw

## Plot ##

7 years after the events of the first game, Zilla has left his life of terrorising cities behind. 

Moving to his own private island he hopes to set up a humble farm, and a quaint flower shop. However, not everyone can forgive him, and military forces begin to attack the island by parachuting in, not wanting to cause more pain, Zilla must throw them into the ocean to make them flee.

## Objective ##

- Plant seeds in the dirt

- Tend the plants with water and work the soil with a hoe.

- Dig up the flowers with the spade.

- Pick up the flowers and iteract with the shop to sell them, gaining score and health.

- Throw or push enemies into the water to make them flee.

Created for LD52

Tyranozilla (2016)

CONTROLS (Reboundable in Unity menu)

Move Left: A/Left Arrow

Move Right: D/Right Arrow

Jump Up: Space/W (Mash to fly)

Jump Down: S/Left Control

Attack Melee: Mouse Button 1

Attack Ranged: Mouse Button 2 (Aim with mouse)

Respawn: Enter

Quit: Escape/F10

(Created for a Ludum Dare but I forget which one)


Tyranozilla 2 - Win64 26 MB
Tyranozilla (2016) - Win64 15 MB

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